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Art critic Dr. Peter Schutt

Dr. Peter Schütt about Davood Roostaei

The artist I would like to introduce to you now comes from another world. A world full of magic and mystical secrets. He was born in a small Persian town whose name means in German: Fata Morgana. 

He achieved mastery early on in his home country, but he also attended a special art academy there. He was in prison for two years and, in solitary and dark confinement, he used his inner eye as the source of his artistic creativity. Inspiration discovered.

After his release he managed to escape to Germany. Since then he has worked tirelessly on himself, on his artistic mission and on developing his own distinctive style of painting, cryptorealism. This method reconciles the most important movements in contemporary art, realism and abstraction, and at the same time builds bridges between the Orient and the Occident, between the fear of images deeply rooted in Judaism and Islam and the obsession with images in the West. His cryptorealism - the name comes from the art critic Hanns Theodor Flemming - has nothing superficial or superficial. He looks behind the facades of mere appearances and makes visible the light that is not of this world.

When the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the end of the division of Germany became apparent in the 1980s, the artist struggled to capture these dramatic and world-historical events in a complex image. He anticipated German reunification in a visionary cycle of images. Large pictures were created in which both can be seen: the collapse of the old orders and the birth of a new world. This is how the artist found his revolutionary painting style.

But he did not stop at political and earthly representations. He is almost the only one of the internationally known contemporary artists to cross the usual border between this world and the afterlife, between heaven and earth, between the human and the divine dimension. He turns to the great prophets of humanity: Buddha, Zoroaster, Plato, Socrates, Noah, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed - may God bless them! He places their temporal message right in the middle of the broken world of our day. He searches for symbols for the unity of all religions and thus opens the door to a new millennium, the gateway to the planetary, cosmic age of humanity.

The artist is on the way to world fame. His paintings have been exhibited throughout Europe, from Monte Carlo to Saint Petersburg. Davood has found admirers, supporters and friends everywhere, such as the actress Gina Lollobrigida, the painter Horst Janssen, the writer Günter Grass, the actor Jean-Claude Van Damme and the politicians Chiraq, Genscher and Kohl. As a benefactor he has distinguished himself beyond measure and made the proceeds of expensively sold pictures available for the children of Chernobyl, for those injured in accidents and children with vascular diseases, for AIDS relief and the hospice movement. The artist loves disguise.

Sometimes he enters the world art stage as a matador, sometimes he dresses in the simple garb of a Sufi mystic and practices humility and renunciation.
He is a virtuoso, a jack of all trades, a talent of the century.

He's no Michelangelo.

He is a master of chiaroscuro, a player with light and shadow, a magician from the Orient.

He's no Vincent van Gogh.

He is a revolutionary, the creator of an epochal style, a juggler of styles and schools.

He's no Picasso.

He is a juggler, a master in the art of dissimulation, a genius of the grand pose, a bullfighter.

But he is not Salvador Dali.

Because he is Davood Roostaei.

Dr. Peter Schutt



Photo source: Dr. Peter Schütt - Photos / Videos - Author Writer Critic Curator (

Text source: Peter Schütt (author) - Wikipedia

Right hand of Davood Roostaei
Davood Roostaei at Artsellers
Davood Roostaei at Fine Art Gallery Vancouver
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Left hand from Davood Roostaei
Davood Roostaei at Artprice
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Davood Roostaei at Kunsthaus Artes
Davood Roostaei at Artnet

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